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Kristof Uytterhoeven

Kristof Uytterhoeven specialises in property law and private and public building law in the broadest sense of the word. In particular, his expertise lies in the field of public contracts, private-law construction and real estate contracts, building insurance and the status and ethics of the architect.

Thanks to his many years of experience working as a lawyer, he offers his clients top-notch legal advice, as well as optimum assistance in negotiating real estate contracts and successfully handling disputes both before the civil courts and before administrative courts, as well as via extra-judicial dispute settlement.

In 2000, Kristof Uytterhoeven got a PhD in Law from the KU Leuven. He served as a temporary lecturer at the law faculty of this education institution. Currently he is employed as a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Architecture at the KU Leuven, where he teaches contract law, property law and building law to future Masters of Architecture and Masters of Interior Architecture.


Kristof Uytterhoeven is also the author of numerous academic publications and is regularly invited as a speaker at study days and seminars. He is also co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Construction Law and Real Estate (Tijdschrift voor Bouwrecht en Onroerend Goed), as well as the Construction Law Handbook (Handboek bouwrecht). Thanks to these academic commitments, he is able to respond quickly to the most recent and important evolutions in law. Kristof is also a member of the Belgian Construction Law Association and, along with Mr. Stephanie Moras, he represents the firm on the Public Procurement Foundation (Stichting Overheidsopdrachten). 

Furthermore, Kristof Uytterhoeven is one of the two founding partners of the firm (est. 2001), along with Kristiaan Caluwaerts. Both partners bundle than fifty years of combined experience and expertise. Over the years, they have surrounded themselves with competent and qualified employees, each with their own specific general and special interests and specialisations. Caluwaerts Uytterhoeven Advocaten offers high-quality advice to help you with all your legal questions or problems.

Kristof Uytterhoeven was the laureate of the APR prize for KU Leuven 1992-1993.



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